Strawberry Roses


A bouquet of beautiful yummy strawberries carved to look like a dozen roses. 

Makes 13 Strawberry Roses


Things you'll need

  • 13 round strawberries
  • Wooden skewers
  • Large mason jar
  • Optional: greenery and baby's breath
  • Option: ribbon

Let's get started!

  1. Face the stem of the strawberry down. Use a sharp knife to cut 5 small outer petals near the base starting from the center of the strawberry - making sure not to cut all the way through. 
  2. Cut another 5 petals inside the previous petals so that they peak out in between the outer petals. 
  3. Carve out center to leave only petals remaining.
  4. Place onto the top of the wooden skewer. 
  5. Arrange the strawberry roses in a large mason jar and decorate with greenery. Tie a ribbon around the lip of the jar.




Written By Rosanna Pansino

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